Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Joys of Riding a Bike

So I know there are many people that ride bikes. But why do they choose to ride a bicycle??

A Zen teacher saw five of his students returning from the market, riding their bicycles. When they arrived at the monastery and had dismounted, the teacher asked the students, "Why are you riding your bicycles?"

The first student replied, "The bicycle is carrying the sack of potatoes. I am glad that I do not have to carry them on my back!" The teacher praised the first student, "You are a smart boy! When you grow old, you will not walk hunched over like I do."

The second student replied, "I love to watch the trees and fields pass by as I roll down the path!" The teacher commended the second student, "Your eyes are open, and you see the world."

The third student replied, "When I ride my bicycle, I am content to chant nam myoho renge kyo." The teacher gave praise to the third student, "Your mind will roll with the ease of a newly trued wheel."

The fourth student replied, "Riding my bicycle, I live in harmony with all sentient beings." The teacher was pleased, and said to the fourth student, "You are riding on the golden path of non-harming."

The fifth student replied, "I ride my bicycle to ride my bicycle." The teacher sat at the feet of the fifth student and said, "Ahh.... I am your student!"

I know when I am on my bike I am enjoying the air and just being out and about. I do most of my riding to work. I do have the option to walk to a bus stop and hop on a bus that seems to take an hour to get to the other side of town, plus the 15 minute walk to the bus stop. It just doesn't seem worth it...and to have to look for spare change for bus fare. It is just a lot easier to get up and ride on my bike. I do get asked a few times a month why I don't take the bus...I tell them that it is faster to bike for me. Also having to walk outside in the weather, why wouldn't I just bike. If I am going to get wet from walking it would make no difference.

But also when I am on my bike it does give me time to think about many things. I have that time to myself where I can get rid of a great deal of stress. I look forward to my ride into work, if I didn't have that ride...I don't think I would look forward to work.

But you sort of feel like a kid when you are on your bike. I know when I pass other bikers you can sort of see that smile as though they were riding a bike for the first time with no training wheels. There are days when I take Trails (my dog) for a walk and we find a bench down by the water and we watch everyone on there bikes and just seeing the joy that is being brought to them by this simple thing we call a bicycle. Comparing the faces of the younger kids to the older adults you can see a similarity in the expressions of their faces.

The bike makes you feel free. Free to explore the city you see the city from a different perspective on your bike.

Quite simply the reasons for riding a bike.....It's Fun, It's Healthy, It's Cheap, It Helps the Enviroment, etc. etc.

Also I guess growing up we were always told...Don't Play in the Traffic...Well riding your bike is one way to "Play in the Traffic" it is fun to do, but still have to think fast, because if something happens you know mom won't be to happy!

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